Friday, August 28, 2009
CRazy day
HI gangwei/sweet potato is posting again. Today caa damn scary and crazy fun. lol. NCC gt new officer come tach us for eight months tt guy lieutanent from NS wan leh. he was quite frenly bt abit strict. he change the netball field into a restricted zone when we are wearing ncc uni. nt a restricted zone la bt jus a zone tt when we are wearing ncc uniform and in the zone we must march or walk around the perimeter of the court. tt sir was quite open i kinda like him. he say to us about life in NS bt tt kind of old grandma stories type haha. keep repeating. i kana defaulters parade. tt parade i and some other ppl must march like crazy across the court. it was like 2-3 steps in a sec. then we were like dancing around haha.